Making Money From Blogging

Making Money From Blogging: Is It True or Just a Hype?

Many bloggers believe that making money is online, the easiest and fastest method ever created.

This is just hype, the reality is much different. I'm sure you have a great deal about the so-called "internet gurus" that they read in the millions from blogging claim. If this were so, nobody would ever think, under a desk job or study hard for each career. Make you feel "pessimistic" because of my comment down, because reality does hurt sometimes.

My comment above was intended to wake up as to call the many internet wannabe entrepreneurs, they must be realistic in their goals and they must know what they are getting into before wasting their time and hard earned money.

Money does not grow on trees, we must all work hard to earn it, despite our hard work and sometimes there are setbacks, but diligence and perseverance should always be the inner engine, if we really believe what we want. This applies in fact for everything in life is not just money or business.

Despite the warnings before, someone can still make money and make a living from blogging? The simple answer is yes, provided you have something to sell to your visitors.

Are several ways to earn money online there, but to use the choice of which method is related to each individual. The idea behind is to earn money to support you and be able to live a decent life.

You also need to repeal a number of hours each day after the amount you wish to make.

Here it is talking to legal and ethical ways of generating money, there are many other ways to illegally maintain power, they can provide solutions for ever single problem on earth, they too can world peace by $ 9.99 per download to . reach No! we are not under this kind of operations, our focus on quality rather than blogs.

The first thing, before he considered the long list of bloggers is to decide on your niche, what do you know what your expertise, your experience both personal and professional, and how people can benefit.

Second, if you define this niche, you should simply do some research on him, by answering some


1st Is there a genuine interest in your niche? How many people search for your topic every month? They are tens of thousands of people, hundreds or thousands?
2nd What is the intensity of competition in your niche? Like many other bloggers are already blogging on your niche? How long they been blogging? How are they established?
3rd Can you get a unique feature for your visitors and you have a competitive advantage over others?

Answering the above questions is a must before starting your journey from blogging. Once you answer the above questions, put your blog, by a unique, honest content that adds value to visitors and make your experience pleasant and enjoyable.

Be realistic in your expectations, because everything in life requires sufficient time to grow, and that goes for your blog too. You need time to it and grow Web traffic, and get the confidence of visitors. Once you there, you have many methods of gaining money.

Advertising is one of the methods used, especially by bloggers, most use Adsense, the most established blogs and use their stocks directly to advertisers.

Another method is affiliate marketing, here you have to be careful on which product to promote and ensure that it is a legitimate product and is well tested. If it is not, it may do more harm to your blog, as the few dollars you might win.

Another source is a joint venture as well as writing for other blogs or create your own digital book that can be sold to other users.
Remember, do not achieve to this level overnight, you must allocate time and energy to improve your blog, get web traffic and visitor loyalty and trust.

1 comment:

  1. Google Adsense is an easy way to make money from your blog. All you need to do is add a script from Google to your website and start displaying ads.
    You will get paid for every time a user clicks on the ad. These are called CPC ads.
    What is CPC? CPC stands for “cost per click.” By displaying CPC ads with Google Adsense, you receive a set fee every time an ad on your website is clicked by a visitor. The cost per click is set by the advertiser. (This is in contrast to CPM ads, where you’re paid for ad views instead of clicks. CPM means “cost per thousand impressions,” where M is the roman numeral for 1,000.)
    Google Adsense is a good way to start earning money online when you are first starting out.
    You can see our guide on how to monetize a WordPress blog with Google AdSense to get started, and this tutorial on how to optimize your AdSense revenue for more tips.
